Project Engagement

Process and Procedures

  1. Compliance 

Any and all potential Projects are required to provide us with the following information before  formal engagement: 

1.1 Project Executive Summary + Full Financial Feasibility 

1.2 Client Information Sheet (CIS) together with any pertinent Company / Trust documentation  and Passport copies of the Directors 

1.3 Proof of Funds (POF) – proof of availability of ‘Commitment Fee’ [This fee is used to cover  Bank Custodial Fees / Transfer Agent Fess / Listing Fees on Euroclear and will vary  depending on the total face value of bonds required to be issued for the Project funding. 

  1. Due Diligence & Acceptance of the Project for Funding 

2.1 A full Review of the Project is conducted by Pearl Wealth  

2.2 If accepted an ‘in-house’ decision is made as to the structure of the funding that will be  provided to the Project and the terms and conditions thereof. 

The Funding provided will be either: 

    • Equity / Loan / Convertible Loan / Profit Share (Revenue Model) 

2.3 Signing of Term Sheet – a Term Sheet setting out the full details of the proposed funding  together with the timelines thereof will be signed by the Project. 

Timeline 5 -7 Business Days for completion of this Phase. 

  1. Establishment & Allocation 

3.1 Project Funding Agreement + Board Resolution  

Formal Agreement extrapolated from the Term Sheet to be signed by both parties together  with the necessary Board Resolution(s) required to activate the funding process.
3.2 Confirmation Letter 

In principle formal letter to the Project confirming that the bonds have been secured and  allocated to the Project 

3.3 Payment of Commitment Amount 

Project to transfer the agreed ‘Commitment Amount’ into the nominated Bank account of  Pearl Wealth (within 48 hours of signing of the Project Funding Agreement). 

3.4 Set up of the Project Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV) 

Each Project will be established under an SPV unless the Project Company has numerous  projects, in which case all the Projects may be housed under one ‘HoldCo’ SPV 

Timeline – 14 Business Days 

  1. Bond Allocation and Movement 

The Bonds allocated to the Project for funding purpose are moved internally by Pearl Wealth  to the 3rd party rated Custodial Bank 

Timeline 7 – 10 Business Days 

  1. Activation of Insurance Cover & Credit Enhancement 

Internal process conducted in-house by Pearl Wealth 

Timeline 14 Business Days 

  1. Initial Drawdown of Project Funding 

Provision of the first drawdown funding amount for the Project as per the Project Funding  Agreement 

Timeline 5 – 7 Business Days 

  1. Project Funding 

The balance of the Project Funding will be provided according to agreed drawdown schedule as per the Project Funding Agreement 

Timeline – ongoing

Ready to take the next step? Please submit your information through the form below and we will be in touch shortly.